Wednesday, June 24

Dear Z/S/Leon's/David's/Lampard's (and the list goes on)

Happy Birthday! You've now turned 19. I am so proud of you my sister, you've come this far. You really did make me proud, I am clueless of what you did/do tomake me pleased but you just do. Who would've thought you would want to wear a dress, high heels or flats? Well, I assumed that everyone's wishes of Ms. Levridge turning into a proper young lady have fulfilled, at last. Alhamdulillah, Syukran Ya Rasulullah Alaihi Solawatullah.

May Allah SWT & Rasulullah SAW shower you with blissful blessings and youth with the years to come. Do you know that you were my role model, before I joined Syabab? Do you know that you are pretty( not a les)? Do you know that you are going to be a professional guitarist? Do you know that you make me laugh, anytime? Do you know that I enjoyed being Gabe because it makes you laugh whenever I did his manly voice? Do you that I am elated that I call you Kakak Zakia? Do you know that I am damn proud of the fact that you are my sister?

I am truly sorry for accidentally breaking the apple of your eye, whiskey glass, for it was accidental. I am sorry if I do not present to you a gift on your birthday for you've always did. It's like a ritual for all of us and we never seem to break it. Anyways, I'd to apologize if I've done any excrable things to you like talking like Gabe to you, put a bamboo pole in front of the bathroom door while you're bathing, jump on the bed to wake you up, calling Leon a bitch, calling Lampard buncit, saying that your boyfriends were hideous when the actual fact was that MOST of them are pretty attractive. Nonetheless, release your worries of me having one of them or a few of them as my boyfriend(s) as I won't. Oh wait, the list goes on.

Anyways, what I'm saying is that, I'll get you a better gift, I swear! But for now, enjoy this gift whereby it's filled with nostalgia and the present. Happy birthday again, S.


Do you realize?

1 comment:

Syasya tomboirilek™ said...


omg wad happened to the whiskey glass?!?!?!??!?!