Friday, January 2

The 3 notions

Here I am, sitting in front of Zakia's laptop, about to grumble about my first day of school at precisely 4.44am. Unlike other mediocre girls, I'll skip the morning introduction. I am not writing a novel. While I was walking towards the school gate, I realized I am now, as of yesterday, a high school girl. ;D

Apart from wishing that people would make way specially for me while I was strolling in along with the other students towards the schoolgate, which they did not, I was expecting a decent and jovial first day of school. It was the otherwise ostensibly.

First and foremost, my self-introduction towards my new class was considerably absurd and comical. Mr Tay, who is currently my form teacher, told us to inform 1 or 2 good things about ourselves in front of the whole class. When it was my turn to spill the info, I said, "I'm good at being good." Humiliating myself in front of my current classmates was certainly not my intention.

2nd-ly, it was Mr Tay's task to appoint a Chairman as well as a Vice-Chairman. I snickered upon hearing Andreas's name as the Chairman but I've forgotten how to chuckle when I was appointed to be the Vice-Chairman. I have to work alongside with him?! It can't be that bad working with him, right? You kidding me? It's Andreas we're talking about. On the lighter note, it was good that he looked assiduous whilst marking the attendance. Perhaps this atrocious idea of him being a Chairman would make him more responsible and mature.

Thirdly, we[me & Andrea]cannot even agree with each other without having a dispute. He was the one who did not co-operate with me. I pleaded you to submit to Mr Tay those admin stuffs. Your moronic excuse was that you were sleepy and indeed needed forty winks. I had a reasonable reason which I'll clarify subsequently, in the next entry I hope.

Yours Faithfully, Sincerely & Truthfully,

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