Tuesday, December 30

It's coming soon

When most archetypal girls would declare on their blogs that they're rotting at home, which sounds so erratic, I'd say otherwise. Holidays are what I will always look forward to. I do not know exactly the reason why the average girls would say such thing about a vivacious season. The word 'vivacious' simply define my definition of holiday.

I'll look forward to stay indoors while watching TV/Movies. I'll look forward to assist my mum in the kitchen as well as house chores. I'll look forward to scrape the patience out of Zakia (the job that I am most contented about). I'll look forward to doze off extremely early in the morning and waking up whenever I want to. I'll look forward to complete my small amount of assignments within a long a period. I'll look forward to rest my butt on a chair facing the computer for hours transforming my ordinary photos to extraordinary ones.

Nevertheless, now that the holiday is approaching the "STOP" sign, I am looking forward to the next holiday ;)

Your Faithfully, Sincerely & Truthfully,