Saturday, November 22

Go with your own style

Maybe newspaper articles aren’t as mundane as I thought it’d be. The title of my post was stripped off from the CATS Classified's newspaper article. It's basically about informing to all the ladies out there to not expect too much on themselves.

Nevertheless, a particular paragraph caught most of my attention. It goes like this, “Go with your own style. No one can really tell you to do this or that – you have to be true to yourself and do things at your own speed. Moreover, it’s important not to model behaviours you don’t like or that don’t feel right, because that’s what ultimately ends up giving us ulcers and heart attacks.”

I envy of those who know who they really are. I mean when I was younger I thought that being in your own element was effortless but I guess I was wrong. Maybe this entry will answer you about my profile which states “Discovering.” It’s true because I am discovering about me. It’s just a matter of time.
I know that only You can solve this catastrophe.

Yours Faithfully, Sincerely & Truthfully,

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